Lighthouse at Two Lights

36 x 48, © 2019,
€ 95,00
Tweedimensionaal | Schilderkunst | Aquarel
Ik heb me bij dit aquarel laten inspireren door een schilderij van Edward Hopper: Lighthouse at Two Lights (1929). Maar ook Hopper schilderde het in twee versies, waarvan het tweede als aquarel. Het Het Metropolitan Museum of Arts (New York) waar beide hangen geeft de volgende toelichting:
In The Lighthouse at Two Lights Hopper isolated the dramatic silhouette of the 120-foot-high lighthouse tower and adjoining Coast Guard station against the open expanse of blue sky. Set o a rocky promontory in Cape Elisabeth, Maine - though no water is visible in the painting, the architecture is bathed in bright sunlight offset by dark shadows. Since 1914 Hopper had regularly summered in Maine, and this picture is one of three oils and several watercolors that he did of this site during summer 1929. To Hopper the lighthouse at Two Lights symobolised the solitary individual stoically facing the onslaught of change in an industrial society. The integrity and clarity of his work made Hopper a quiet force in American art for forty years and one of Marica's most popular artists.
Ik heb me in mijn aquarel op zijn uitgangspunten gebaseerd.
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